Crónica, vida, amor.

On April 23, 2024, “Crónica, vida, amor” will open at the Museo Provincial de Fotografía Palacio Dionisi in Córdoba, Argentina. It can be visited until July 28, 2024. Curated by Marco Meneguzzo.A collaboration between the Archivio Letizia Battaglia, Farnesina and the IIC of Córdoba.

Letizia Battaglia. Crónica, vida, amor.

On Friday February 23, at Trasnocho – Sala Tac in Caracas (Venezuela), there is going to be the vernissage of “Letizia Battaglia. Crónica, vida, amor”, an exhibition organized by the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Caracas in collaboration with the Archivio Letizia Battaglia and with the sponsorship of the Italian Embassy in Caracas.The exhibition, curated…